Shimmr Studios

Make your ideas sound like music.

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Drape your song with the right sound.


Capture the sound to your song.


Shape the sound of your song.


We deliver what others promise

Create original, custom beats that match your style. Compose melodies, arrange backing parts and write lyrics.


Prepare, write and perform a modern, evocative background score that lifts feature, pilot and short films.


Pristinely capture vocals, instruments and textures.


Get all the individually recorded and programmed tracks to sound balanced and dynamic when put together.


Get your mix sounding loud, clear and brilliant everywhere, from the radio, car systems, earphones to the clubs, and not just inside the studio. Shimmr Studios is an official ‘Apple Digital Masters’ provider.


Get your out of time/tune vocals and instruments musical, in pitch, tightened to the beat so your performance sounds polished and professional.

Why record with us?

Recording is an art. It is all about capturing the moment. And we’ve been around and captured a number of those magical moments that leave artists with broad grins and sometimes, tears of joy.

Boasting world class studio design and acoustic specs, an exhaustive selection of the best gear and microphones in the professional world and a team of talented professionals, Shimmr Studios offers the perfect blend of modern recording science, design and relaxed productivity.

Lastly, we are musicians ourselves. We understand and deeply connect with how intimate the process of making a record is. There’s more to it than sitting around and hitting the record button. We make the process simple. So you, the artist, can enjoy making music.


This is what we're made of

Our Space.

Discover Yourself

Shimmr Studios was designed from the ground up as a no-compromise studio facility founded on the belief that cutting edge technology can live in harmony with creativity. High-end custom equipment and rooms based on the most perfectly optimised acoustical ratios. The studio is divided into four suites - Lounge, Main Suite, Recording Suite and Preview Suite.

Our Team.

The Driving Force

The fabric of our well balanced team is built on envisioning new textures, mangling existing ones, breaking rules and putting out something entirely fresh.


Follow us @shimmrstudios

Let's Talk?

Let's make something awesome together